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Five signs of an effective security system

An effective security solution is paramount to the success of a business. Consider if you’re currently meeting these five signs and if you’re not, it’s time to reassess your current security.

No Loitering

Not only can loitering make your clients or customers uncomfortable and deter them from your business, they can also be preemptive of criminal activity. An establishment that effectively prevents loitering creates a welcoming environment to the individuals you want coming to your business.

Our partners at Edgeworth Security prevents loitering with A.I. machine learning technology, which adapts to your property’s regular activity and hours of operation and can identify people standing around that shouldn’t be there. When loiters are identified, our live agents speak directly to them which will successfully disperse any unwanted idling.

No Trespassing

Trespassing is the steppingstone to further criminal activity, and it is essential that a business regulates who and when people are allowed to approach the property.

With Edgeworth’s Remote Guard, trespassers are immediately recognized. During an incident, agents employ Voice Down — engaging directly with the criminal and deterring them at a 93% success rate.

No Theft

Ongoing theft, missing inventory, and both large and small losses are all signs of ineffective security.

Theft is a hazard that most business approach reactively. Not only is it costly but burglaries pose a threat to the safety of employees and customers.

The combination of A.I. technology and live agents means your business is protected in REAL TIME — something that CCTV surveillance doesn’t measure up to. Remote Guard can tell when objects that should be there are no longer there and can also identify suspicious activity by people near your inventory. This allows Edgeworth to proactively stop theft before it happens.

No Vandalism or Graffiti

Vandalism is costly to fix and can pose a threat to any business, regardless of location. It is also a signal to criminals that your security has holes and invites additional crime.

Edgeworth Security blankets your property with 24/7 surveillance, effectively safeguarding against mischief makers and vandals on even expansive properties. Remote Guard will capture vandals before they can damage your property, saving you money on repairs and protecting the reputation of your property.

Everyone on the property can feel safe, even at night

No matter what your business is, safety is the point of security. Ensuring the safety of staff and customers is essential to an effective operation. If your staff and visitors do not feel safe, it is a big red flag that your security is either substandard or deficient in meeting your needs. Parking lots and structures are typical pain points where people are at most risk and can feel the most vulnerable, especially when walking to and from buildings to their vehicles at night.


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