An Apple Store robbery at London’s flagship Covent Garden store yesterday saw ‘at least’ 10 masked raiders steal thousands of pounds worth of products in a daylight raid. One report claimed that the robbers were armed.
Video footage captured from inside the store shows criminals fleeing, and one section of the clip shows a security guard grappling with a man outside the store.
The Sun reported that the robbers were “armed,” but police have so far only said that the gang was “reported to have been carrying weapons.”
Screaming customers fled a top Apple Store as a gang of armed raiders burst through the doors and swiped tech gear worth thousands of pounds. The robbers looted a store in Covent Garden, London in broad daylight. Cops dashed to the scene, but no arrests have yet been made. Witnesses say the thugs cleared out the shop – before forcing customers to hand over their belongings too. It’s understood tablets, iPhones, bags and laptops were taken from the outlet in The Piazza.
A spokesperson said: “At around 1.10pm on Sunday, July 17, police received several calls reporting that a group of males had forced their way into a shop in The Piazza, Covent Garden. “Some of the group were reported to have been carrying weapons. “It is alleged that they stole a number of items before running from the area in different directions. “While this was an understandably scary experience for staff and customers, there were no reports of any physical injuries.” They’re calling for anyone with information to come forward.
A visitor who prefers to remain anonymous was caught up in the melee, explaining that the raid happened just five seconds after he walked in for an appointment. “I turned around and there were at least ten men in balaclavas,” he told The Sun. “They pushed through the entrance past the security and they started grabbing anything they could.” He said they started taking possession from customers after clearing Apple products from tables. “They were taking things out of people’s hands,” he added. “I don’t know if they had any weapons – it was all very quick. I would say within a minute it had all started and finished.” According to the customer, security staff attempted to stop the robbers from leaving, while a member of the public also tried to chase after them. He added: “It was quite scary. There were a few screams It’s a Sunday and a sunny day in Covent Garden, so obviously it was busy.”